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How to Block Compliance-alex.xyz Spam in Google Analytics

1 Method: Create an Exclude Filter

What is Compliance-alex.xyz?

Several new referrer spam domain names were created in order to deceive webmasters and website owners and Compliance-alex.xyz is one of them. The domain names will essentially “spam” Google Analytics data with a specific path like “44537612-1.compliance-alex.xyz” to make it appear as if visitors were referred to a target’s website via the spam website. However, visitors were not actually referred from Compliance-alex.xyz and other websites despite what Google Analytics data suggests. This is a type of fake web traffic known as ghost traffic that mixes phantom data into Google Analytics reports.

compliance-alex.xyz referral

The bad thing about Compliance-alex.xyz referral spam is that it was purely created to deceive and trick victims into embedding a script into their websites. If you visit Compliance-alex.xyz in your browser you will be directed to compliance-checker.info and cookiescript.info.

compliance-alex.xyz spam

The websites that Compliance-alex.xyz forwards to are deceptive websites that contain misleading content. The first compliance-checker.info website claims to be a website compliance checker to check if your website complies with US and European Internet regulations (which do not exist). The website claims that you notice their traffic in your Google Analytics data because they “routinely scan millions of websites to check if they comply with Internet-related laws.” The website is filled with false information so please do not take the information seriously and do not post their script onto your website.

If you use the compliance-checker.info website to allegedly check if your website complies it will tell you that your website does not comply with the following regulations (depending on your geographical location):

 US Federal Communications Commission and EU European Commission require that digital publishers give visitors to their sites and apps information about their use of cookies and other forms of local storage. In many cases these laws also require that consent be obtained. A breach of these regulations can result in a fine of up to $500,000.

This information will be displayed for every website you input into compliance-checker.info search box so do not be alarmed if it says this about your website.

cookie consent script

The results contain a recommended solution which is to install a Cookie Consent Script on http://cookiescript.info/:

<!-- Begin Cookie Consent script http://cookiescript. info/ -->
<script type="text/javascript">
 window.cookieconsent_options = {"message":"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website","dismiss":"Got it!","learnMore":"More info","link":null,"theme":"dark-bottom"}; var cookieconsent_ts = 1479280232; var cookieconsent_id = '2e515c57-d4a7-4d04-bebf-b3a2a2f2bc23';</script>

<!-- End Cookie Consent script -->

Referrer spammers typically target a website’s data for several reasons:

  • Referrer spammers want to promote a website and want you to visit the webpage or search for it online through Google search engine results pages.
  • Referrer spammers want to boost their rank on Google search engine results pages by creating backlinks. They do this by logging requests into your website’s access log, which is then crawled by Google’s indexing bots and seen as a backlink to the spam site.

Compliance-alex.xyz spam can ruin your website’s analytical data measured by Google Analytics. It can affect most of the data in your reports with fake web traffic and data. For example, the referrals appear to land on a single webpage on your website and leave from the same website, which will create a 100% bounce rate. If your website is targeted by referrer spammers you may not be able to identify your website’s bounce rate. The same can be said about other data measured in most Google Analytics reports.

Although Compliance-alex.xyz spam can ruin your analytical data it will not harm your website and it will not affect your website’s SEO, including your rank in Google search results pages. This is simply spam that wants to get your attention and trick you into embedding an unnecessary script on your website.

Create an Exclude Filter

1. Open your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab> Click Filters on the right side in the VIEW section.

2. Click the + ADD FILTER button to create a new exclude filter.

3. Add Compliance-alex.xyz or something you can easily remember as the Filter Name.

4. Select the Custom Filter Type.

5. In Filter Field, find and select Campaign Source in the list. In the Filter Pattern text box, add Compliance-alex.xyz and click the blue Save button on the bottom of the webpage. To add multiple URLs to the same filter you can make a Filter Pattern similar to this with a | between each URL: Example.com | Example\.com | Compliance-alex.xyz

Also See: How to exclude all hits from known bots and spiders in Google Analytics (Bot Filtering)

Sean Moran

Sean Moran is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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