‘Your Account Was Hacked’ by an international hacker group email scam
Be aware of the latest phishing scam making its way to various email accounts. If you received an email that says “Your Account Was Hacked!” and starts with “I’m a member of an international hacker group” it’s okay to ignore it. It is basically a phishing scam conducted by self-proclaimed hackers attempting to blackmail you through a series of email messages.
Also see: ‘My name is Care’ email scam tries to blackmail you for $8000
The message tries to frighten targets by claiming to have access to their messages, social media accounts, and messengers. It also claims to have recorded video through their webcams and recorded their doings on porn sites.
The email message claims to know the password to your email address and demands that you fork over $700 or risk having your messages and videos sent to all the contacts found on your devices. It is likely that they do know your password and if so it is recommended to immediately change your password. If you use the same password for various accounts, change them all. According to reports, your password may have been obtained during a leak (LinkedIn, Adobe, etc.).
I’m a member of an international hacker group.As you could probably have guessed, your account [email address redacted] was hacked, because I sent message you from it.
Now I have access to you accounts!
For example, your password for [email address redacted] is [password redacted]Within a period from July 7, 2018 to September 23, 2018, you were infected by the virus we’ve created, through an adult website you’ve visited.
So far, we have access to your messages, social media accounts, and messengers.
Moreover, we’ve gotten full damps of these data.We are aware of your little and big secrets…yeah, you do have them. We saw and recorded your doings on porn websites. Your tastes are so weird, you know..
But the key thing is that sometimes we recorded you with your webcam, syncing the recordings with what you watched!
I think you are not interested show this video to your friends, relatives, and your intimate one…Transfer $700 to our Bitcoin wallet: 18QGMXBte2fVodcq9xCwvPWiBEd98LwHwS
If you don’t know about Bitcoin please input in Google “buy BTC”. It’s really easy.I guarantee that after that, we’ll erase all your “data” 😀
A timer will start once you read this message. You have 48 hours to pay the above-mentioned amount.
Your data will be erased once the money are transferred.
If they are not, all your messages and videos recorded will be automatically sent to all your contacts found on your devices at the moment of infection.You should always think about your security. We hope this case will teach you to keep secrets.
Take care of yourself.
As you can see, the email can appear legitimate to many people. But, the same message has been sent around the internet to many people (word-for word) and there have been many campaigns like it in the past. Even if you have never visited an adult website, you will still receive the same message.
Do not pay the $700 and do not reply to the scammers. The only thing you need to do is change the password to your email address and other accounts you have for safe measure.
The email message does not mean that your computer is infected with malware; However, if you would like to remove malware and other potentially malicious files from your computer we recommended to use Malwarebytes. Here are some instructions:
1. Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software to scan your computer and remove malicious files and potentially unwanted programs.
2. To install the program, click the file you just downloaded. It can usually be located in the Download folder.
3. A window that says “Welcome to the Malwarebytes Setup Wizard” will appear. Click Agree and Install to begin the installation. Once complete, click Finish.
4. Now the Malwarebytes is installed, open the program and click the Scan Now button – or go to the Scan tab and click the Start Scan button.
3. When the scan is complete click the Quarantine Selected button.
4. If Malwarebytes says “All selected items have been removed successfully. A log file has been saved to the logs folder. Your computer needs to be restarted to complete the removal process. Would you like to restart now?” click the Yes button to restart your computer.
they use anonymmailer. I was convinced of this by sending myself an empty letter from one such anonymmailer, I received exactly the same result, and it looks as if he sent me a letter from my mailbox. but it is not, I saw the logs of my mail server, the letter was sent from outside.
amazing how people fall into this type of scam. And even if they had a video which they say they do, Who cares I am well endowed ENJOY I say. Also the hack can swing both ways. They think BTC is untraceable. They do not know who they deal with. Simply report them to the tax authorities as they have been tracking and databasing BTC addresses for years. We know who they are. I should know I have been writing software for them for years in doing so. THEY Think they know about BTC and it functionality, hahah joke is on you. once you think you are safe and the world you built on others people fears, that is when you will have to pay the piper. dont beleive me do your research, we are coming for you.!!!!
You don’t understand how scared I was about this. I have been up all night. Confused cause the password wasn’t my password. But I can breath not knowing it was a scam.
They use random emails with old passwords, as I understood, of QIP and ICQ, when ICQ database was hacked 10 years ago. These is some strange people who remembered this hacking:)
Ignore this mail and change your passwords
I got this too, the email password listed was not my email password, but is one I use on about half a dozen sights that I never got around to change. below is a list of places that either I had that password
Livejournal, 2mhost web builder, A banking password I though I changed years ago, Ionic View, and a local living history group.
Identified by have you been pwned
Adobe, BTC-E, Tumblr, Kickstarter, and the August 2018 spambot dump (The one I think this relates to)
I got the same email but unfortunately, I can’t change my password because the email associated does not have a password, it runs only with an OTP system. They send me this mail from my mail account only. But the password I got is actually used by me in some other accounts, how come they know about this?
Same question. My aunt got that e-mail but the password they mentioned was one of mine.
Don’t reply, the email is a spoof, meaning it is meant to be seen as your email however it’s a fake one, and got the password from older leaks such as Adobe, LinkedIn etc etc. If you do have other accounts that use that password, which should be a really old password, please do change it in case they try to access those accounts.