Why sending entire posts to your RSS subscribers is a bad idea
Sending your entire post to your RSS subscribers is a bad idea. That is, if you enjoy website traffic and understand search engine optimization (SEO). If you do not like website visitors, publishing your entire post to your RSS subscribers via email is en excellent way to go.
Why is sending your entire post to your RSS subscibers bad?
Sending your entire posts to your RSS subscribers is bad because it does not require your subscribers to visit your website to read your content… What’s the point of that?
While some people claim that sending their entire post via email makes their readers happier is debatable. Would you rather receive a giant email with a post (or more than 1 post) containing a ton of content or en email with short summaries, or do you even care? I can see where some RSS readers may find a large email suitable as it simply delivers them content, but it’s a bad idea if you are a website owner and optimization is your niche.
Conclusion: You need website visitors to maintain a healthy website
In conclusion sending your entire post to your RSS subscribers is not a good thing to do if you want website visitors as it allows readers to read your website content without actually visiting your website. Of course they may need to visit the website to initially sign up for the RSS feed (or visit the feed’s webpage) but sending your visitors to their email providers website instead of your website is just a bad idea.
You need website visitors in order to maintain a healthy website, in order to increase impressions, in order to give readers the option to share the content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social media websites (by use of social media buttons).
Instead of sending your entire posts to your RSS subscribers, send summaries. This way your RSS subscribers can visit your website to read the entire content.