How to verify your website for Brave Rewards

verify your website for Brave Rewards

Many people use Brave browser and with Brave browser comes a free ad-blocker that will block advertisements on your site by default. However, Brave gives its users the ability to donate their favorite websites and content creators through Brave Rewards. When they visit your website using Brave they can choose to donate to you if they want to. However, if your website or content is not verified you will not receive the donations and it can be sent to someone else.

Verifying your website with Brave is actually a task and requires you to forfeit a lot of your personal information including your name, phone number, and email address. It also requires you to download and install third-party plugins and phone applications.

  1. Go to and click Become a Publisher (or go to
  2. Click Sign Up to make an account with Brave.
  3. Enter your email address and click Get Started.
  4. Go to your mailbox and open an email with the subject: Brave Publisher email confirmation.
  5. Click the Verify Email button in the email message.
  6. Enter your first and last name and click Sign Up.
  7. You can choose to skip two-factor authentication and set up 2FA (If you set up 2FA, follow the promoted instructions).
  8. Click the Get Started button to join Brave Payments.
  9. Go back to your mailbox and open an email with the subject: Log In to Brave Payments.
  10. Click the Log in to Brave Payment button in the email message.
  11. Once you are signed in, you will need to create an Uphold account. Click the Connect to Uphold button.
  12. Enter an email address, create a password, and click the Sign up & Authorize button.
  13. Go back to your mailbox and open an email with the subject: Confirm your email.
  14. Click the Get started link in the email message.
  15. Enter your personal information including your first name, last name, username, state, and date of birth.
  16. Download an app called Authy 2-Factor Authentication onto your phone. Open the app once it is downloaded, enter your phone number, select your country code, and generate a code. Enter the code into the field on the website.
  17. Click the Continue button.
  18. Go back to the login page for Brave ( and log into your account.
  19. Select your preferred currency if promoted to do so.
  20. Click the Add Channel button in the menu.
  21. Select website, YouTube channel, or Twitch channel.
  22. For this example, we will select a WordPress website.
  23. Enter the domain name.
  24. Install the brave-payments-verification plugin (
  25. Copy the verification code and paste it into the plugin (Settings > Brave Payment Verification) and click Save Changes.
  26. Go back the the web page with instructions to verify your site and click the Verify button.

Sean Doyle

Sean is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

2 Responses

  1. soulfull says:

    The plugin is not working and i am also getting the same error

  2. Justin P. says:

    I installed the plugin and copied the appropriate code in my settings menu for Brave Rewards Verification, and it told me that my website failed to verify. Then I tried again after 12 hours and still got the same message. Kind of stuck on how to finish.

    My website is using a https

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.