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How to create a WordPress Archive page

Easiest way to create a WordPress archive page. There are tons of easy ways to create an exciting WordPress archives page. There are also tons of WordPress tutorials floating around the internet that offer minimal guidelines in doing so for those whom have not been introduced to making proper WordPress page templates. So this article will explain how to create a WordPress archive page that you can use as a page template.

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How to disable the WordPress Admin Bar

The WordPress admin bar is the gray bar located at the top of your WordPress website. The WordPress admin bar includes various options and quick access to your WordPress dashboard or webpage. Some...

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How to generate website screenshots for WordPress websites

This guide will help you easily generate a screenshot of a website for your WordPress website by implementing PHP code into the functions.php template file and using a WordPress shortcode. This script uses the screenshot generator and all you need to do is copy and paste simple code into your functions.php file and place a simple shortcode on a page or post on your WordPress website.

Infinte Scroll Jetpack

How To Add A Scroll To The Top Of The Page Link On The Jetpack Infinite Scroll Footer (WordPress Jetpack Plugin)

Give your WordPress website visitors the option to scroll back to the top of the page via Infinite Scroll footer link. As stated in a previous article about removing the credits from the Infinite Scroll footer, as of November 10th, we use the new Jetpack 2.0 Infinite Scroll feature and give our website visitors the option to scroll to the top of the page via a simple text link with an arrow (↑) . Here’s how to DIY.

Infinte Scroll Jetpack

How to remove Infinite Scroll credits on Jetpack

Remove “Proudly powered by WordPress” and your theme name credits in the Infinite Scroll Jetpack Plugin feature. Locate the jetpack/modules/infinite-scroll/infinity.php file and remove footer credits.
Infinite scroll takes away the “next page” or “older posts” links in category and tag page feeds allowing website visitors to infinitely scroll and load new posts via scrolling down the page.

You recommend a WordPress plugin for that

How To Display Related WordPress Posts Without Plugins

There are many ways to display recent posts on WordPress without using unnecessary recent posts plugins that are notorious for slowing down WordPress websites. In this article we will discuss how to display related posts on a list per category and tag using simple PHP that can be implemented into theme files such as single.php, category.php, and others.

You recommend a WordPress plugin for that

The Easiest Way To Add Favicons To WordPress Websites

Every WordPress website should have a favicon and luckily adding a Favicon to any WordPress website is incredibly easy. There’s no need to install extra plugins that slow your site down, there’s no need to “look in your header” file for a link rel attribute because that will make the favicon theme dependent, leaving it vulnerable to upgrades.