How to stream video from Windows to Xbox 360
The instructions on this page explain how to stream video from Windows to Xbox 360. These instructions are compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and other Windows Operating Systems that have Windows Media Player installed.
1. Connect your Xbox 360 to your home network and turn it on
2. Open Windows Media Player on your Windows computer
3. Click Stream and select Turn on media streaming…
4. Click the Turn on media streaming button on the Media streaming options window
5. Click Allow next to your Xbox 360 device and click the Next button
6. Choose the Shared permission for the Videos library or folder
7. Click the Finished button
8. Click the Xbox Guide button on your Xbox 360 controller and go to Media
9. Select System Video Player and access your computer from the list
10. Go to your Video folder and select the video you want to watch on your Xbox 360