‘Scratch and Match $100 Amazon Gift Card’ scam

Scratch and Match $100 Amazon Gift Card scam

Another PTL Promotion uses deceptive marketing schemes to make it appear as if you won a grand prize and a $100 Amazon gift card.

Did you receive a Scratch & Match voucher in the mail that says “scratch off the circle below” and “if your numbers match, you are the winner?” Did you scratch the game piece and were the numbers a match? If so, you’re not alone. But, you didn’t really win anything, it’s just an unethical marketing promotion powered by PTL Promotions.

The purpose of the scam is to get you to call a phone number such as 855-270-6163. The telemarketer who answers the phone in the call center will then ask you for your matching number and instruct you to visit a local business to match your number with a number on an official prize board, most likely at a car dealership.

ALSO SEE: “Money Carlo” Match to Win Car Dealership Scam

Local businesses, especially car dealerships, utilize these types of deceptive promotions all the time in order to attract business. It’s an unethical and disgusting thing to do to people, but for now, it’s legal.

fine print

Whether or not it is a scam is debatable. On the back of the voucher in small text, there are details that say “there is no guarantee that grand prizes will be awarded” and “the contestant must match in person their lucky number against the official prize board during event.” It also says that the Amazon gift card is not redeemable at Amazon. They’re basically covering their tracks with the details in fine print from when they first made it look like you won a grand prize and $100 Amazon gift card.

Here’s an example of what is written on the front of the scratch & match game piece:

Scratch off the circle below. If your numbers match, you are the winner of one of the following…



New Samsung Galaxy Tablet

Samsung 65″ Curve TV

7-Day Royal Caribbean Cruise OR 3-Day/2-Night Getaway with 2 Rouch-trip Airline Tickets



If Your Numbers Match

CALL 855-270-6163



amazon.com gift card UP TO $100

The phone number associated with this game (855-270-6163) has a history of conducting various scams and deceptive marketing. It is blacklisted and flagged by many third-parties due to how the phone number was used in the past.

If you call the phone number a telemarketer for PTL Promotions in a call center will answer. As already mentioned, they will ask you for your matching number and other sensitive information such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address. Once they have collected your information they will instruct you to visit a local business, most likely a car dealership, to match your number with a number on the official prize board.

I would advise you to not hand over your sensitive information to these telemarketers. You never know what may come from it. If you do provide them with your information, they may think that you are gullible which makes you a target for future scams or promotions. In return, you may receive more junk mail, email spam, and calls from scammers, telemarketers, and robocallers.

There have been a lot of promotions like this in the past. They all instruct you to visit a local business to match your number. Over the years, no one has come forward with a story about winning anything from these types of promotions.

It is very unlikely and almost certain that you will not win anything. You can take your chances by calling the phone number, but don’t expect anything besides disappointment.

Sean Doyle

Sean is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

34 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Just received one of these cards, though it says nowhere that PTL marketing is responsible and the number is 855-484-1557. With no identifying information on the card, I determined it to be a PHISHING scam and discarded it right away.

  2. Anony says:

    Thank you PTL Marketing for the free luggage tag. I cut out the part with my name and address, punched a hole in it and attached it with a zip-tie.
    Hmmm, PTL Marketing. I thought Jim and Tammy Baker were both dead.

  3. VSS says:

    The companies that promote these scams should be in jail!!!!!!!! I am sick and tired of all these kind of business that they allowed to exist here!!!!!

  4. MD says:

    4 Aug 2021. I just got the card, but in my husband’s name. He passed away last fall. Wow! His numbers match! He is supposed to call 855-936-3224. Tiny type on the back says If we were to win, we would both have to appear. Not going to happen. I have already put this through the shredder. If you get one of these, don’t get sucked in. Shred it (my opinion). Don’t share your personal info with a telemarketer, and who knows what sellable name list you get put on.

  5. Bing says:

    I just got mine today 07/11/21. It has desame number 855-936-3222 . Thanks for the heads up. I’m not gonna waste my time to call this scammers .

  6. Anonymous says:

    I can not believe that they can bring a legit company like Amazon into this or any possible scam. This has been going on for years. They change a few words. phone number, and dates. Vulnerable people do not need this especially while the pandemic took so much already.
    I hope a lot people see this and know it is more than junk mail.
    Thank you for letting some people know. I hope it helps someone.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yet another example of utter deception directed at the American consumer with little if any effort to stop this kind of practice. Thanks for the information.

  8. Ronald says:

    In my opinion USPS should not accept this type of scam to distribute by mail and if they do they are co-responsble for the scam.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Just wanted to leave a comment to let others know that today, February 9, 2021, I received the plastic card (same as first one pictured above) with a call number of 855-936-3222. I knew my numbers would match and knew it was a scam just to get me to some retailer. The fine print on the back was as others have pointed out (there is no guarantee that grand prize will be awarded), but I want to mention that it also indicates that “Grand prize promotion begins on or about August 7, 2017 at 12:00:01 a.m. ET and ends on August 8, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET.” Please don’t waste your time on this, unless you are simply looking for something to pass your time and definitely do not give these people any of your hard earned money!

  10. ShouldaKnown says:

    Got Mine Today!!! So excited! Turns out my wife already picked up our Million dollars, no longer loves me, wants a divorce and our dog…what a bummer…

  11. Anonymous says:

    Received this in the mail today. Same card. Phone 855-936-3222. Read the posts here and figured as much…scam. It just never ends with these kinds of people.

  12. anonymous says:

    Received one of these yesterday. As mentioned by someone else, why isn’t this mail fraud? Just because the small print says ‘There is no guarantee that grand prize will be awarded’?

  13. Tom says:

    So what happens if you actually show up at the address? They must be embarrassed, you’d think. Did anyone actually go out to collect the million bucks?

  14. Derek says:

    Arrived today 10/8/20 Same BS 855-936-3221

  15. Anonymous says:

    I called today and the lady give me a local address to attend to and assuring me that I don’t need to buy anything just be there early. I just noted what she said, but really I can tell it was a scam, I was holding my breath to not laugh 😂

  16. RSL says:

    My wife got this card in the mail today. The phone number this time was 855-936-3221. The number that *amazingly* matched was 8638778. The card was otherwise identical to the one shown at this site. Needless to say, we did not call, obvious scam!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Same card but a different phone number: 855-936-3221. Beware!

  18. Craig says:

    I echo the people before me, thank you for posting this information. It took time to write this article up.
    It seems like a waist to send these thick plastic cards out, but it they did not make any money (sucker people in), they would not do it.

  19. Ray says:

    Why isn’t this federal postal fraud?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Just got one at an address in the Houston, TX area, exactly like the image posted above but with 855-936-3221 phone.
    Oh, wow, and my numbers matched!

    • Anonymous says:

      Hahaha same. I called it in for my mom just to see how the scam might work, and they refused to give me any more information until she called them. I noticed in the fine print that that they aren’t actually obligated to award the “prize” you just won.

  21. Anonymous says:

    just got one. same card 855 936 number april 29th, I called. complete BS but wanted to see if they asked for my CC#. they didn’t. Thanks for posting this. I might go down there and play with them. Letting them think they’ve got a live one. If it’s too good to be true….

  22. Anonymous says:

    I just got the same card, different but similar number, with an 855 prefix.
    Thanks for posting this!
    My BS detector did fire, when I thought, does Amazon really need to do this to promote business? They’re so far ahead of the pack already, this doesn’t make sense.
    But it helps to get the scam verified.

  23. Robert Bautista Ramirez says:

    Grateful for folks like you that expose these scams!

  24. Roger says:

    Do you mean I did not win an Amazon card?
    I want my Amazon card!

  25. C Peterson says:

    I just received one in mail today. What a waste. If it’s too good to be true then it’s a SCAM.

  26. Barbara says:

    Thanks for letting people know about this promo. I went searching for “PTL”, the only clue as to where this came from, and found this website. Same card, same products, phone number 855-544-9400. A waste of plastic, USPS, and my time.

  27. Kay says:

    Yep……same card as pictured above but with different phone number: 855-544-9400 No telling how many people fall for these things. So these SCAMS are legal??? Well, they shouldn’t be!

  28. Not me says:

    Same card… different phone # for scam: 855-544-9400

  29. Anonymous says:

    I also got this promo. Thx for heads up

  30. Anonymous says:

    What a waste of plastic to send these “cards” out

  31. Jaime says:

    I just got one of these scam scratch-off “promotions” in the mail. The phone number is different from the one listed in this article, so I will add it for others to watch out for: 855-544-9400.

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