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How to remove MessengerDeck (Virus Removal Guide)


MessengerDeck is malware that employs unethical and deceptive distribution methods to cause high-level security issues.


MessengerDeck, also known as MessengerDeck – Facebook Messenger for Desktop, Messenger2go, MessengerNow, and MessengerSpot among other titles, is a known unsafe and unwanted program that utilizes unethical marketing practices and causes other security issues. MessengerDeck is self-promoted as free software for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and other operating systems that allows you to “enjoy Facebook Messenger right from your PC.”


Although this may sound like an innocuous program, it is detected by legitimate Antivirus software as a threat. According to VirusTotal, Comodo and eGambit detect the executable file used to initiate the installation of the program as an unwanted program and unsafe program. The detection names for this program include ApplicUnwnt and Unsafe.AI_Score_96%.

messengerdeck malware

In addition, there are numerous versions of this program that go by different names and these programs have a high detection rate. Most legitimate Antivirus programs will detect them. This leads us to believe that this unsafe program often rebrands itself to bypass security software.

This malware engages in suspicious behavior once it has been installed which includes loading modules, opening files, and running in the background. The malicious program may also attempt to install other known threats including bogus Antivirus programs such as Segurazo, display pop-up advertisements while the user is browsing the web, and display misleading notification messages on Windows desktop.

Distribution methods

MessengerDeck malware tricks users into installing it by utilizing malicious advertising practices and networks to promote itself across numerous websites and during the installation process of free programs which may be considered fake. Advertisements from the network may promote third-party threats including adware and spyware and promote fake programs in hopes that the download manager can inject the computer with malware.

In some cases, fake programs may claim to be something they are not in order to trick users into installing them and infecting their computers with malware. Fake programs may claim to be legitimate programs like a browser, update, or emulator, and give you the option to install third-party programs.

MessengerDeck removal guide

This MessengerDeck removal guide explains how to remove MessengerDeck, viruses, malware, and other threats from your computer.

Although we mention that this program can be manually uninstalled following our instructions please be advised that uninstalling the program will not remove every file associated with it nor will it remove malware, adware, spyware, and other threats. We advise you to remove malware, viruses, and potentially unwanted programs using the instructions on this page once the program is uninstalled. The software recommended in this guide is tested and free to use although you may also purchase the full version of the product to obtain real-time protection. Real-time protection stops malware from infecting your device and allows you to safely browse the web.

STEP 1: Uninstall MessengerDeck

These instructions explain how to manually uninstall MessengerDeck from Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. When MessengerDeck is uninstalled, use advise you to remove malware, viruses, and potentially unwanted programs using the next set of instructions.

1. Right-click the start menu.

2. Go to Apps and Features.

3. Click MessengerDeck and click the Uninstall button.

In other versions of Windows: Open the Start menu, go to the Control Panel, go to Uninstall a Program, select/highlight the program you want to uninstall, and click Uninstall.

STEP 2: Remove malware, viruses, and potentially unwanted programs

These instructions explain how to remove malware, viruses, and potentially unwanted programs from your device. The software recommended in this removal guide is free to use; however, we recommend registering the software to secure your device and stop infections before they happen.

1. Download and install Malwarebytes from their website. Malwarebytes will seamlessly guide you through the quick installation process.

malwarebytes scan

2. When Malwarebytes is installed, click the blue Scan button to begin scanning your computer for malware and potentially unwanted programs. The scan may take several minutes to complete depending on how many files are on your device.

quarantine malwarebytes

3. When the scan is complete, click the Quarantine button to remove all threats detected by Malwarebytes.

4. Reboot the computer.

STEP 3: Remove tracking files and repair Windows registry

These instructions explain how to remove tracking files, remove browsing data, and repair the Windows registry. Although malware and potentially unwanted programs were removed, your settings may have been affected and this is a great way to fix them and ensure that you are not being tracked.

1. Download and install CCleaner Free or CCleaner Professional from their website. CCleaner will seamlessly guide you through the quick installation process.


2. When CCleaner is installed, go to the Easy Clean tab (this is usually the welcome screen).

start ccleaner scan

3. Click the Start button to scan your computer for trackers and junk files.

clean all ccleaner

4. When the analysis is complete, click the Clean All button.

scan for issues ccleaner

5. Next, go to the Registry tab and click the Scan for Issues button.

fix selected issues ccleaner

6. When the scan is complete, click the Fix selected Issues… button.

back up registry ccleaner

7. As a precaution, click Yes to back up the registry before making changes to it and save the Reg File (.reg) file to your computer.

fix all selected issues ccleaner

8. Click the Fix All Selected Issues button and then click Close once all problems have been removed.

In addition, CCleaner can be used to uninstall programs, disable programs from starting when your computer starts, disable browser plugins, and more. These features can be found in the Tools tab.

Sean Moran

Sean Moran is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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