What is my-seo-promotion.com and how do I block it?
Referral traffic from my-seo-promotion.com and other spam sites mixed in with your Google Analytics data can be an issue if you want to know how your website is really performing. This type of referral traffic can essentially ruin your real analytical data with bogus metrics from spam sites. For example, the spam URL could make it look like your site received 100 referrals with a 100% bounce rate which can inflate your bounce rate. Fortunately, the guide on this page will help you understand what my-seo-promotion.com is, why the website is spamming you, and how to block referrer spam from the website in Google Analytics.
What is My-seo-promotion.com?
My-seo-promotion.com is a domain name similar to my-seo-promotion-service.com. The domain promotes online SEO services associated with Semalt. The my-seo-promotion.com domain name is used to spam your Google Analytics data with fake referral traffic in order to attain your attention and coax you to visit the website in your browser. It will appear as if someone visited your website from my-seo-promotion.com even though they really didn’t.
If you visit my-seo-promotion.com you will be forwarded to http://seo2.jerseyoneworldgroup.org/?site=http://. This page contains two fields that ask for your domain name and email address. If you provide the information and click ‘Get my report’ you will be directed to https://semalt.com/rankings where Semalt tries to peddle you to purchase their marketing services. Semalt has previously used same spamming method with other domain names.
My-seo-promotion.com employs various blackhat methods to make it appear as if someone was referred to your website from the domain name. However, no visitor was actually referred to the website from the URL. It is simply a gimmick to persuade you to visit the URL in your browser so you can view Semalt services.
Website owners and other people who monitor Google Analytics data will notice real-time and historical referral traffic coming from my-seo-promotion.com mixed in with real analytical data. Most of the time the spam will make it appear as if someone was referred to your website multiple times in order to position the referral traffic data at the top of the accumulated list in your reports.
When a website owner or someone monitoring the data sees the large amount of referral traffic from my-seo-promotion.com they might be suspicious as to why someone is visiting their website from a page on the my-seo-promotion.com website. The website uses this technique to dupe people into searching for the website on a search engine such as Google and visiting the website by typing it into the address bar in order to obtain potential customers.
Although this sort of traffic might sound innocent, referrer spam can actually ruin your website’s analytical data and make it difficult to understand your website’s exact traffic metrics. The traffic acquired from fake referrals can affect most of the data in your GA reports. For example, the fake referrals will appear to land on a single web page on your website and leave from the same website and this will create a 100% bounce rate. If your website is targeted by referrer spammers you may not be able to identify your website’s actual bounce rate unless you filter the traffic out.
Campaign Source Filter
A campaign source filter can be used to block all my-seo-promotion.com referral traffic in Google Analytics.
1. Open your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab > Click Filters on the right side in the VIEW section.
2. Click the + ADD FILTER button to create a new exclude filter.
3. Add my-seo-promotion.com or something you can easily remember as the Filter Name.
4. Select the Custom Filter Type.
5. In Filter Field, find and select Campaign Source in the list. In the Filter Pattern text box, add my-seo-promotion.com and click the blue Save button on the bottom of the webpage. To add multiple URLs to the same filter you can make a Filter Pattern similar to this with a | between each URL: Example.com | Example\.com | my-seo-promotion.com
Campaign Referral Path Filter
A campaign referral path filter can be used to block single webpages.
1. Open your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab > Click Filters on the right side in the VIEW section.
2. Click the + ADD FILTER button to create a new exclude filter.
3. Add my-seo-promotion.com or something you can easily remember as the Filter Name.
4. Select the Custom Filter Type.
5. In Filter Field, find and select Campaign Referral Path in the list. In the Filter Pattern text box, add a permalink from the referred URL and click the blue Save button on the bottom of the webpage
Language Settings Filter
Some spam may appear in your language settings as keywords, phrases, and searched terms. A language settings filter can be used to block language spam in Google Analytics.
1. Log in to your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab
2. In the “View” column select Filters and then click + Add Filter
3. Add a Filter Name: Language Spam (or something you can easily remember)
4. Go to: Filter Type > Custom > Exclude
5. Select Filter Field: Language settings
6. Add a Filter Pattern: \s[^s]*\s|.{15,}|\.|,
7. Click on the blue text that says Verify this filter to see a preview table of how this filter will work in your account. You should only see language spam on the left side of the table: filter-verification-language-spam
8. After you verify the filter click the Save button on the bottom of the page
This is seo tools version promotion?
Hi, thank you so much for this post. i will try these steps. i have one more question
I am getting a lots of backlinks from low authority websites with .tk, .ml domains . is there any way to remove these sites?
Thank You
If other sites are linking to yours it is suggested to contact the other website to have the links removed. You can use a backlink checker to find the exact websites and then lookup the sites whois information for a way to contact them. There are other ways to remove backlinks like disavow and more… Check out Google for more answers and complete explanations.
Hi, thanks for this solution. I have implemented all these steps.
I have a question: Is these steps will block this referral permanently?
[content removed by editor for being false and misleading]
add to your robots.txt file:
check article here
you will know what is that.
I write the post,and hope more people
can see this and solve problem!
god bless you!
Hope everyone have a good time!