How to remove lukitus virus (Ransomware)

What is lukitus virus?

lukitus virus is the name of a computer virus categorized as a variant of Locky ransomware that infects a computer, encrypts files that match certain files types, appends the .lukitus file extension to the end of the file name, and downloads a ransom note on Windows Desktop and in every folder it encrypts files in.

lukitus virus

Once the lukitus virus has encrypted certain files such as video, image, document, and others it will download a ransom note on Windows desktop and in folders it encrypted files in. The lukitus virus uses the ransom note to explain to victims of the virus what happen to their files and how to purcahse a decryption key and special tool to decrypt files the way that the malware authors want them to.

An example of the ransom note is shown below:

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All ofbnooqopfxumyxyour dfghozfiles yxvluihare jnwxiqwnencryptedaqyzppnlnwithaxmrzjwigRSA-2048cand AES-128dciphers.
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Decrypting ofbyour jahumfiles bztihpfis myqyxzymakuonlybpossible with the thlldqiprivatebkey utszhqyand decryptdprogram, qknouswhichabhmetlviseon our cgurefkqajsecret server.
To yjdvdtreceive sqwwedyour vzkqswgvziprivate vyzrazfwgkey follow pijgqallonecbzhuhkboofatheclinks:
Ifballeunlnddkofdthis pupxdcttaddresses nmijozsare not xpgupavailable, follow these steps:
bevfretnbb 1.eDownloadabepnfuyand installcgzwxbyuwoToreBrowser:
jvqmurpakdknuntaamuwvrblaxis 2. Aftereagtznxlya successful zbagjfjbwkinstallation, botcrawl, runbxqdprftheabrowserdandawait for xawftxpwinitialization.
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Like most Locky ransomware infections, the lukitus virus is typically spread by email spam messages that contain malicious .zip email attachments. Once the attachment is downloaded and executed it will spread the malware across the machine and begin its encryption process. An example of email that spreads this virus is detailed below:


If you cannot view this attachment download a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader from:
Email powered by Reform



This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or take/distribute any copies. Where the content of this email is personal or otherwise unconnected with Redactive Media Group's business, Redactive Media Group accepts no responsibility or liability for such content.

Redactive Media Group refers to the following limited companies each of which are registered in England and Wales and each of which's registered office is 78 Chamber St, London E1 8BL: Redactive Media Group Limited (registered number 07464280), Redactive Publishing Limited (registered number 3156216), Redactive Media Sales Limited (registered number 3220190), Redactive Events Limited (registered number 4615386).

The instructions on this page explain how to remove lukitus virus, malware, other ransomware, and decrypt encrypted files encrypted by lukitus ransomware. Follow each step below to remove this infection and secure your computer from malicious threats. On the bottom of this guide you will also find recovery and decryption software for various ransomware infections.

1. Remove lukitus with Malwarebytes


  1. Open your browser window and download Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free.
  2. Open the executable file (mb3-setup.exe) to begin installing Malwarebytes.
  3. Select your language, click Next, then select “I accept the agreement,” click the Next button several times, and then click the Install button to install Malwarebytes. Click Finish once the install process is complete.
  4. Open Malwarebytes and click the Scan Now button on the Dashboard to begin scanning your computer.
  5. Click the Quarantine Selected button once the scan is finished.
  6. If Malwarebytes says “All selected items have been removed successfully. A log file has been saved to the logs folder. Your computer needs to be restarted to complete the removal process. Would you like to restart now?” click the Yes button to restart your computer.

2. Remove trace files with HitmanPro


  1. Open your browser window and download HitmanPro.
  2. Open the executable file (hitmanpro_x64.exe or hitmanpro_x32.exe) to begin installing HitmanPro.
  3. Click the Next button, check “I accept the terms of the license agreement,” and click the Next button again.
  4. On the Setup page select “Yes, create a copy of HitmanPro so I can regularly scan this computer (recommended)” and add your email address to the registration fields to begin the free trial.
  5. Click Next to begin scanning your computer.
  6. Once the Scan results are displayed click the Next button and click the Next button again on the Removal results page.

3. Clean up and repair issues with CCleaner


  1. Open your browser window and download CCleaner Professional or CCleaner Free.
  2. Open the executable file (ccsetup.exe or other) to begin installing CCleaner.
  3. Click the Install button to begin stalling the program.
  4. Click Run CCleaner to open the program when installation is complete.
  5. Select the Cleaner tab and click the Analyze button.
  6. When the Analyze process is complete click the Run Cleaner button to clean all files.
  7. Next, select the Registry tab and click the Scan for Issues button to scan for issues in your registry.
  8. When the scan is complete click the Fix selected Issues button and Fix All Selected Issues button to fix the issues.
  9. Next, select the Tools tab and click Startup. Examine each area, search for suspicious entries, and delete any suspicious startup entries by selecting the entry and clicking the Delete button.
  10. Next, click Browser Plugins and search each internet browser for unwanted browser add-ons and extensions. Click the extension you want to delete and click the Delete button to remove it.

Decryption Software

Shadow Explorer Restores lost or damaged files from Shadow Copies Download (Free)
Photorec Recovers lost files Download (Free)
Recuva Recovers lost files Download (Free) | Buy


Alternative methods are suggested if there are issues removing lukitus ransomware from an infected computer.

How to Restore your computer

If a restore point has previously been established on your machine you will be able to perform a system restore in order to restore your machine to a date and time before it was infected. You will lose files on your computer that were obtained prior to the restore point.

There are several options to restore your computer. Most computers have their own restore software that can be found by performing a search. Additionally, computers that run the Windows Operating System have a default restore program that can also be found by performing a search.

A boot screen that can be used to access options to restore your computer can be reached by rebooting your computer and pressing the F8 key once the manufacture screen is displayed.

How to Recover your computer to factory settings

A system recovery (or reset) will recover your computer to factory settings. You will lose the current programs and files on your computer.

There are several options to recover your computer to factory settings. Most computers have their own recovery software that can be found by performing a search. Additionally, computers that run the Windows Operating System have a default recovery program that can also be found by performing a search.

A boot screen that can be used to access options to restore your computer can be reached by rebooting your computer and pressing the F8 key once the manufacture screen is displayed.

Sean Doyle

Sean is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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