How to remove Torch malware – Torch Browser virus removal (Uninstall Guide)

What is the Torch Browser virus (malware)?

Torch malware, also referred to as the Torch Browser virus or Torch virus (though not technically a computer virus or definite malware) is essentially considered an invasive browser hijacker or application that can be used as a standalone alternative internet browser similar to Google Chrome and supports such practices as torrenting and online deal surfing. Torch Browser claims to be a legitimate and safe internet browser that contains no spyware, but that’s not particularly the case, as Torch Browser and associated third-parties practice unethical marketing techniques that may invade the privacy and safety of its users. Torch distributors often bundle the item with third-party malware in efforts to monetize the free product including spyware used to collect sensitive data, adware used to display irrelevant and sometimes harmful advertisements, and additional browser hijackers used to alter ‘other’ internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer causing unwanted browser redirects and startups.

Torch browser malware removal

Victims infected with the Torch virus affected without consent or knowledge likely notice unwanted browser redirections to third-party websites and search engines such as Conduit, or may even notice that their current internet browser interface has changed. As previously mentioned (and pictured above) Torch Browser appears eerily similar to Google Chrome with a few minor exceptions including a Torch Toolbar or menu bar and some users may suspect that they are continuing to use their legitimate Google Chrome browser. It can be noted that Torch malware uses confusing tactics to target and trick unsuspecting internet users into using their products in efforts to generate revenue off the misfortunes and/or disarray of unsuspecting internet users (in some cases defined as entrapment).

Is Torch Browser safe ( review)?

Many security vendors claim Torch Browser distributed by and other online outlets is not safe regarding suspicious cyber activity, the invasion of privacy, and primary relationship with third-party malware platforms including adware, hijackers, and spyware. It should be noted that some advertisements displayed in association with the Torch hijacker may include links to unethical software including scareware used to scare victims into purchasing unnecessary computer security related products, as well as links to other forms of potential malware.

Some users also report that Torch Browser is a useful and legitimate internet browser. The opinion of Torch Browser being safe is solely left to the user; however we do not recommend it given all the reports of bad user experiences and unethical behavior.

remove TorchBrowser

Many Torch Browser users have reported a large amount of email spam, telemarketing phone calls, junk mail, and even phishing attacks via telephone. Reports may indicate that Torch Browser and associated parties may include users to marketing lists without consent or knowledge and may harvest internet activity and computing data, including social media activity and information submitted manually into online forms such as passwords, credit card numbers, and home addresses.

Torch Browser, is not be mistaken for the legitimate and exceptionally safe Tor ‘Project’ Browser

How does Torch Browser malware infect a computer?

Victims often notice Torch Browser or Torch add-ons and extensions such as Torch Music installed onto their computers without consent. if this is the case, it is likely that Torch Browser bundled with previous downloads including freeware, shareware, codecs, and torrents. Torch Browser primarily bundles with media related software including video converters and P2P clients, as well as third-party browser add-ons, extensions, plug-ins, and Toolbars.

Torch Browser can also be manually and voluntarily installed from a variety of locations on the web such as and, though Torch Browser may not be entirely clear about their terms of service which may include unethical and unwanted practices, such as installations of third-part software and the collection of sensitive data, often entrapping victims to terms they would not likely agree with.

Green Arrow Bullet   How to remove Torch Browser malware

  1. Automatically remove Torch Browser malware – Scan for and automatically remove Torch Browser and third-party malware
  2. Manually remove Torch Browser malware – Remove and Uninstall Torch Browser and third-party malware

1. Automatic Torch Browser removal

Use the instructions below to automatically remove Torch Browser and third-party malware.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

1. Install the free or paid version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Purchase   Download

2. Once Malwarebytes is installed, run the program. If you are using the free version of Malwarebytes you will be prompted to update the database, make sure to do so.

3. On the first tab labeled “Scanner” select the Perform full scan option and click the Scan button to perform a full system scan. Malwarebytes will automatically detect malware infecting the computer system.

Malwarebytes Perform Full Scan

4. Once the malware scan is complete, Malwarebytes may prompt a notice stating malicious objects were detected. Select the malicious objects and click the Remove Selected button to completely remove the malicious files from your computer (the image below shows a file that is NOT selected) or click the Delete button to remove quarantined files.

Malwarebytes Gadgetbox


CCleaner can be used to automatically repair internet browser settings and uninstall Torch Browser malware if Torch is difficult to manually remove.

1. Install the free or paid version of CCleaner by Piriform.

Purchase CCleaner for $24.95*   Free Download

CCleaner Analyze Cleaner

2. Once installed, open the program and navigate to Cleaner > Windows/Applications and click the Analyze button. Afterwards, click the Run Cleaner button on the bottom right of the program interface.

CCleaner Startup

3. Next, navigate to Tools > Startup and search through each tab starting from windows, internet explorer, etc., all the way to Content Menu, for additional suspicious entries and click Disable and Delete once anything is found.

4. To automatically uninstall Torch Browser, related software, and unwanted programs, navigate to the Uninstall tab and search for Torch Browser software, etc. in the list of installed programs. Uninstall the programs as selected.

2. Manual Torch Browser removal

Use the instructions below to manually uninstall Torch Browser and third-party software using generic Windows removal procedures. 

How to uninstall Torch Browser malware

Torch malware, referred to as the Torch virus may include complex uninstall procedures, please follow the instructions in the video and text below to completely uninstall Torch and all of it’s components.

1. Access Windows Start Menu and navigate to the Control Panel.

Uninstall a program

2. Click Uninstall a program or Add and remove a program.

3. In the list of installed programs, search for Torch Browser (Torch) and other potentially unwanted software. Once located, double click the unwanted programs or highlight them in the list and click the Uninstall button.

4. Uninstalling Torch will prompt a notification that says “Are you sure you want to uninstall Torch?” – click the Uninstall button.

uninstall Torch

How to remove Torch add-ons and extensions

Use the instructions to remove Torch add-ons, extensions, plugins, and toolbars. Please note, it may be necessary to remove multiple third-party software and titles.

Google Chrome

1. Click on the Customize icon (wrench or 3 bar icon) next to the address bar and navigate to Tools > Extensions.

2. Search for the Torch extension such as Torch music or Torch Toolbar and remove it by clicking the trashcan icon next to them.

Uninstall Torch add-on and extension

Mozilla Firefox

1. Type Ctrl+Shift+A.

2. On the Extensions and Plugin search for the Torch add-on such as Torch Music or Torch Toolbar and remove it.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

1. Click Tools and select Manage add-ons.

2. On the Toolbars and Extensions tab search for the Torch add-on such as Torch music or Torch Toolbar and remove it if located.

Helpful Links:

Sean Doyle

Sean is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

6 Responses

  1. KnowBetterNow says:

    Enjoyed Torch for a few years, (with all torrents turned off), but today it crashed & upon restarting it had mysteriously added START.ME and other Extensions. The Start.Me literally cannot be uninstalled (partnered with Torch in code), and the other Extensions literally say that they override my Javascript & popup choices. HUH? What developer thinks that’s OK? Probably why it crashed… Sad Crappy Browser now… used to be OK. March 2018

  2. Hypnotizer says:

    I love “almost” everything about torch. If it didn’t have build in viruses, I’d be willing to pay for it.

  3. JD says:

    Thanks for the review of this disappearing, (poof) attempt a ah browser.

    Yea it was indeed faster than Chrome and Chromodo, but having to RE-install this POJ (piece of junk,) three 3 times in one week really SLOWED the “speed” down a 100%

    Yes… I had to RE-install, overlay by running the install prgm. after every Reboot of W7 Pro, because not only the “pinned” Taskbar disappeared but so did the ICON and Text in the Startup menu.

    I really think this is more of a really, really badly developed app, and not really an actual “browser,” in the full extent of the definition of the word “bowser.”

    Again, thanks very much for this blog / INFO, but I’d wish I’d seen it before I bothered to dnload and install. LOL!

  4. Anonymous says:

    The assholes designing this malware shit need to be jailed and skinned alive and shit on till the infection takes over their fucking lives FUCKING ASSHOLE CUNTS !!!!!

  5. Tony says:

    Thanks so much! I think this Torch shut down my other browsers. People who think this is a friendly browser need to be careful!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Torch was so annoying it somehow made its way onto my machine and took over all of my internet browsers. Thank you!

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