How to remove the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section virus – Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section ransomware
What is the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section virus?
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section virus, also referred to as the Computer Crime and/or simply the Intellectual Property virus is a very dangerous form of malware called ransomware, that locks computers, or in this case “blocks your PC” with a full screen page or window claiming to be from the Department of Justice and/or FBI, or other governing organization. The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section page contains fraudulent details that claim the computer user violated the law (copyright, illegal pornography, Illegal access) and must pay a fine using MoneyPak cards and other payment services to unlock the computer again. The usual fine for the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section is set to $300 but fines relating to FBI viruses often fluctuate from $100 to $500. Please note, this is a dangerous computer virus that is in no way associated with any government department and paying the “Computer Crime” fine or using a number to activate the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section virus will only cause further issues.
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section virus alike most ransomware, claims (exact words, even typos) “Your PC is blocked due at least one of the reasons specified below” and further details that You have been violating “Copyright and Related Rights Law” (Video, Music, Software and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, this infriding Article 1, Section 2, Clause 8, also known as the Copyright of the Criminal Code of United States of America. Even if these claims are true, you are not in trouble for downloading illegal content.
The content on the ransomware infection page has been detailed below:
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section ATTENTION! IP:(Your IP address)Location:(Your geographical location)Your PC is blocked due at least one of the reasons specified below. You have been violating Copyright and Related Law (Video, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, thus infringing Article 1, Section 2, Clause 8, also known as the Copyright of the Criminal Code of United States of America. Article 1, Section 2, Clause 8 of the criminal code provides for a fine of 2 to 5 hundred minimal wages or a deprivation of liberty for 2 to 8 years. You have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content (Child Porn/Zoophilia and etc). Thus violating article 202 of the Criminal Code of United States of America. Article 202 of the Criminal Code provides for a deprivation of liberty for 4 to 12 years. Illegal access has been initiated from your PC without your knowledge or consent, your PC may be infected by malware, thus you are violating the law on Neglectful Use of Personal Computer. Article 210 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of up to $100,000 and/or deprivation of liberty for 4 to 9 years. Pursuant to them amendment to the Criminal Code of United States of America of August 28, 2012, this law infringement (if it is not repeated - first time) may be considered as conditional in case you pay the fine to the State. Fines may only be paid within 72 hours after the infringement. As soon as 72 hours elapse, the possibility to pay the fine expires and criminal case is initiated against you automatically within the next 72 hours! To unblock the computer, you must pay the fine through MoneyPak or $300. When you pay the fine, your PC will get unlocked in 1 to 48 hours after the money is put into the State's account.
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section ransomware is only a computer infection that displays a screen demanding a ransom before allowing access to Windows desktop. This screen locker pretends to be an alert from the FBI or other governing department and organization, but please note, the claims made are false. Even if you did violate the law, United States citizens are entitled due process and the FBI will not simply “lock your computer” for crimes relating to child pornography. They will instead arrest you, take you to jail, and make you pay a fine of $250,000 as opposed to a measly $300.
How does Computer Crime/Intellectual Property Section infect computers?
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section ransomware is typically contracted via exploit kits and trojan horses on adult websites or hacked websites that will attempt to infect your computer without your permission or knowledge. Once installed, the infection will start automatically start when you login to your computer and Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section malware will display a screen locker that makes a computer become practically unusable.
Ransomware can even be contracted from downloading software and files such as freeware, shareware, codecs, and even torrents.
If your screen is locked by a page claiming to be from the FBI that says Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section in the header, remove the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section screen by using our free Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section removal instructions below.
- For extended information about removing similar ransomware, please click here.
How to remove Computer Crime/Intellectual Property virus
- Computer Crime and Intellectual Property removal software (Automatic removal) – Scan for and remove the Computer Crime virus
- System Restore – Restore PC to date and time before Computer Crime infection
1. Computer Crime and Intellectual Property removal software (Automatic)
1. Install the free or paid version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software.

2. Once Malwarebytes is installed, open the Anti-Malware program. If you are using the free version of Malwarebytes you will be prompted to update the database, please do so.
3. On the first tab labeled “Scanner” select the Perform full scan option and click the Scan button to perform a full system scan (pictured below).
4. Malwarebytes will automatically detect the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property virus and other malware on your computer. Once the scan is complete, Malwarebytes will prompt a message stating malicious objects were detected. Select (check) the malicious objects in the list and click the Remove Selected button to completely remove Computer Crime and Intellectual Property malware from your computer once and for all!
2. System Restore
A System Restore is an easy solution to restore an infected computer to a date and time before it became infected with the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property virus and other forms of malicious software. To learn more please select a link below.