What is the Systim virus (systim.exe)?
Please note this virus is called “systim.exe” and not “system.exe”.
Systim (or systim.exe.) is a variant of a Window’s Trojan which originates from China. Systim affects both computers and internet browsers.
What are symptoms of the Systim virus (systim.exe)?
- System crashes
- System freezes
- Operating system may become unresponsive
- Internet browser settings (like home page configurations) may become altered and user may be directed to another “home page” while using the internet
- Sudden internet browser redirection
How to remove the Systim virus (systim.exe)
Systim is new, not many anti-malware programs can detect and remove it, nor are any directory or registry entries properly identified besides executable files.
The best solution to remove Systim from your computer is to use Anti-Malware or Malware-Removal software or to perform a recovery or restore of your computer to a date and time (recovery point) before infection.
Using Malwarebytes to remove Systim
- Reboot/restart your computer
- Download Malwarebytes anti-malware software
- Run a “full system scan” and remove any malicious files
[Small_Button class=”lightblue”] Remove Malware [/Small_Button]
Using Malwarebytes to remove Systim on an unresponsive system
How to recover or restore your computer in safe mode with command prompt
3. Once the Command Prompt appears type “explorer” and hit Enter.
4. Once Windows Explorer shows up browse to:
- Win XP: C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe and press Enter
- Win Vista/Seven: C:\windows\system32\rstrui.exe and press Enter
5. Follow all steps to restore or recover your computer system to an earlier time and date, before infection.
Installing Malwarebytes in safe mode with networking
- Navigate your intenet browser to Malwarebytes and install the malware removal sofware (free version, or paid)
- The file used to install the software is titled: mbam-setup.exe / click to install
- Run a “full system scan” and remove any malicious files
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