How to change your eBay password
This page contains instructions to change your eBay password.
1. Login to your eBay account at:
2. Once signed into your eBay account, hover over your account eBay username with your mouse pointer and click Account settings. Your account user is at the top left of the menu.
3. In your eBay Account settings click Personal Information on the left side of the page found in the My eBay views sub-menu.
4. In the Account Information section click the link to edit your password.
5. You may be asked to sign into your eBay account again using your existing username/email and password.
6. You will be directed to a “Change Your Password” page that asks for your current password and new password. You will need to enter your new password twice, as well as create a new Security Question and Secret Answer. Do not share this information with anyone. Please note that eBay passwords are case sensitive.