How To Change The “Posts” Menu Title To “Articles” In The WordPress Dashboard

Changing Posts To Articles In The WordPress Dashboard

The WordPress user dashboard is simple to customize and many WordPress web designers seek to offer a custom dashboard for their clients. In regards to a possible client’s website which may offer articles in a news format or style, the title “Articles” opposed to “Posts” would be much more suitable and less confusing inside the WordPress dashboard for this client.

Change WordPress Posts To Articles Dashboard

  • Included is a simple PHP snippet which will change the words “Posts” and “All Posts” to “Articles” and “All Articles” (as shown in the image).

Down Copy and paste the snippet below into your functions.php file

add_filter('gettext', 'change_post_to_article');
add_filter('ngettext', 'change_post_to_article');
function change_post_to_article($translated) {
$translated = str_ireplace('Post', 'Article', $translated);
return $translated;
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  • Sean Doyle

    Sean is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

    1 Response

    1. Anonymous says:

      That code was very helpful and easy to implement– and it worked! Thanks a lot!

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