How To Change Or Remove The Howdy Greeting Message On The WordPress User Menu Bar

Change or Remove the WordPress howdy message in text

Change Or Remove “Howdy”

The “Howdy” or “Howdy, user” greeting on WordPress is a staple of the world’s most popular content management system. Most, if not all WordPress users are greeted by this message on the top right of their administration menu bar every time they login. The howdy message is almost always visible for logged in WordPress users.
When introducing clients (or friends) to WordPress for the first time, one of the most common instant reactions I have noticed has something to do with the howdy greeting message from WordPress.

Customize WordPress Howdy MessageBut what if you want to change “Howdy”, or even remove it all together?
Maybe you have a client you wish to impress, or you’re just utterly sick of seeing “Howdy” every time you login. Luckily WordPress is easily customizable and changing or removing the howdy text greeting from the WordPress admin bar is very simple.

The message we have setup in the code snippet below (instead of Howdy) is “Hello, welcome back!”

To change or remove the “Howdy” text in the WordPress admin bar edit or remove “Hello, welcome back!” (only) in the snippet below. Otherwise, using the snippet as we have written below will read “Hello, welcome back!”.

How to change the WordPress “Howdy” greeting

Change or remove the Howdy greeting on WordPress Copy and paste the code snippet below into your current theme’s functions.php file.

function replace_howdy( $wp_admin_bar ) {
 $newtitle = str_replace( 'Howdy,', 'Hello, welcome back!', $my_account->title );
 $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
 'id' => 'my-account',
 'title' => $newtitle,
 ) );
 add_filter( 'admin_bar_menu', 'replace_howdy',25 );

Sean Doyle

Sean is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

22 Responses

  1. PeoplesPost Ng says:

    Thank you! It worked fine.

  2. Debbie Campbell says:


  3. owenprescott says:

    Thanks, I don’t get why WordPress use the word Howdy despite being aimed at a global audience.

  4. Chadwick Gendron says:

    You rock.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Really Nice.. More helpful for the beginners like me…….

  6. David says:

    Nice! Thanks for this non-destructive code! Beautiful!

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