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How To Change Go Daddy Nameservers

How To Change Go Daddy Nameservers

Included are written and video directions to change Go Daddy nameservers for multiple and single domain names.

How to change multiple domain nameservers

1. Login to your Go Daddy customer account at GoDaddy.com.

2. You should redirect to the “My Account” page, if not select “My Account” from the menu.

3. Click or scroll to the “Products” section and click “Domains”.

My Products Domains
In some cases you will need to click the “Products” tab and click “Launch” from the “Domains” selection.

Prodcuts Domains Launch

In other cases you might have to click “View all in domain manager” in the top right corner.

View all in domain manager
4. Check each domain name that applies (each domain name checked will be changed to identical nameservers, if not already), also note: by hovering over the check mark you are given the options to “Select All Domains” or “Unselect All Domains”.

Select All Domains
5. Click or hover over the “Nameservers” icon and select “Set Nameservers”.

Go Daddy Set Nameservers Icon
6. A popup appears with 4 options, check the radio box next to “I have specific nameservers for my domains” and enter your new domain nameservers into the given fields. To add more than 4 select “Add more”.

Go Daddy Set Nameservers Popup
7. Click “OK” – You have successfully changed your nameservers.

Nameservers may take several hours to change, in some cases a few days. If you are moving your domains to another web host (away from Go Daddy) wait a few days until you cancel your existing Go Daddy web hosting account to avoid losing data and ensure your records and websites are functional and secure.

How to change a single domain nameserver

1. Login to your Go Daddy customer account at GoDaddy.com.

2. You should redirect to the “My Account” page, if not select “My Account” from the menu.

3. Click or scroll to the “My Domains” section (near top) or the “Products” section and click “Domains” (In some cases you will need to click the “Products” tab and click “Launch” from the “Domains” selection).

My Domains Go Daddy


4. Select the single domain name which applies.

5. You are now directed to “Domain Details”. Click or hover over the “Nameservers” icon and select “Set Nameservers”. (Another option is to scroll down to the “Nameservers” headline and select the “Set Nameservers” link.

Go Daddy Domain Details
6. A popup appears with 4 options, check the radio box next to “I have specific nameservers for my domains” and enter your new domain nameservers into the given fields. To add more than 4 select “Add more”.

7. Click “OK” – You have successfully changed your nameserver.

Nameservers may take several hours to change, in some cases a few days. If you are moving your domain to another web host (away from Go Daddy) wait a few days until you cancel your existing Go Daddy web hosting account to avoid losing data and ensure your records and websites are functional and secure.


Sean Moran

Sean Moran is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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