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How to block Infolinks in-text advertisements

What is Infolinks?

Infolinks is a non malicious pay per click in text advertising platform (unlike Text Enhance). Infolinks is only integrated voluntarily into individual websites by the owner. Infolinks is not an internet browser hijacker, nor an internet extension.


If you are currently viewing Infolinks advertisements on a webpage or website, it is because the website owner has completed integrating Infolinks in text advertisements into their website.

How does Infolinks work?

Infolinks scans each advertisers web pages using their so called dynamic proprietary algorithm and converts  selected keywords into cost-per-click (CPC) in text ads. Then, Infolinks automatically inserts so called relevant in text ads into the website owner’s website content.

Each time a website visitors hovers over the selected text link an advertisement is displayed and each time a visitor clicks on the in text ad, the website owner gets paid.

Still, having said all that, we find in text advertising is very annoying for most users when browsing websites. Botcrawl.com does not endorse the use of in text advertising.

Infolinks is also known to spam comment many websites, even ours:

Infolinks Spam Comment

How to block Infolinks in text advertisements

Luckily, blocking Infolinks advertisements on your internet browser is very easy.

Also keep in mind, Infolinks can not be removed from your browser nor computer because Infolinks does not install into browsers or computer directories, except for harmless temporary tracking cookies.

There are many ways to block websites and advertisements from specific internet browsers, these options below are our suggestions.

Google Chrome

A simple way to block ads in general and Infolinks ads in Chrome is to use AdBlock or uBlock Origin.

Block an ad by its URL (AdBlock)

1. Install Ad Block: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom

2. Once installed, to block Infolinks ads, right click the Ad Block icon and select “options“

3. Navigate to the “Customize” tab and select “Block an ad by its URL” – In the domain of page to apply section enter: “Infolinks.com“

Block Infolinks on Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

A great extension to block most in-text advertisements in Mozilla Firefox is Adblock Plus.

Block Infolinks on Firefox with AdBlock Plus

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Blocking ad-serving websites on Internet Explorer can easily be accomplished without the use of third party extensions and utilities.

1. Access: Tools(Alt-x) > Internet Options > Security > Restricted sites

2. Click the “Sites” button and enter: http://Infolinks.com

Sean Moran

Sean Moran is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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