Hacker claims to “received control to your devices”
In a new email sextortion scam email message, an alleged hacker claims to have received control to your devices, backed up all your photos, videos, and contacts, and created a double-screen video that shows what you are viewing and what you are doing through your camera.
The purpose of the email message is to scare victims into sending the alleged hacker $1,000 in Bitcoin to a specific BTC address such as 1Bt4fFwoF3p6KMfM7ET5d66GxWPg2Mdd3r. Scammers typically utilize cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to maintain anonymous exchanges and avoid getting caught.
The email message instructs recipients to send a payment to the alleged hacker within 48 hours or video recordings of you will be sent to your contacts including relatives and coworkers. The email says that the video will be deleted once a payment is received.
Here’s a transcript of the email message:
Please note that there may be numerous versions of the same scam and that the message contents and BTC wallet used may be different.
ID Z9nN4vW
From Support-1133
Reply-To Support-1133You may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
I received control to your devices.
I backuped All photo, video and contacts.
I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video that you’re viewing, and 2nd part shows the recording of your cam.
Yes, Yes, shit happens.exactly what should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $1000 is a fair price for our little secret.
You’ll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how buy bitcoin worldwide” in Google).my BTC Address:
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)Important: You have 48 hour in order to make the payment. (I’ve a unique pixel in this e mail, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message). If I do not get the BitCoins, I will certainly send out your video recording to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so on. Having said that, if I receive the payment, I’ll destroy the video immidiately. If you need evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will certainly send out your video recording to your 6 contacts. It is a non-negotiable offer, that being said don’t waste my personal time and yours by responding to this message.
If you need evidence, reply with “EvidenceP8oK6xF0y” in subject this mail.
If You want use Paypal send reply with “PaypalI6dK9lQ” in subject this mail.
And I give My PayPal address.
As you can see, the email message has the tendency to be frightening to many people, or at least confuse them a bit; However, the message is not true, it is part of a scam. If you received this email message or one similar to it does not mean that your computer or devices were hacked or have malware on them. And you certainly were not recorded through your camera. You are simply one of many targets in a mass-email campaign.
Fortunately, according to Blockchain.com, no one has fallen for scams associated with the 1Bt4fFwoF3p6KMfM7ET5d66GxWPg2Mdd3r BTC wallet/address as. The total amount received and the final balance of the Bitcoin address are equal to 0.