How to deal with CouponMama email spam (Unsubscribe from CouponaMama) – Gmail


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  • #30973 Reply
    Sean Doyle

    What is CouponaMama (Coupon Mama)?

    You may have received various emails from CouponMama or CouponaMama promoting coupons and deals without you permission. These Coupona Mama spam emails often claim that CouponaMama is  here with a Special Offer and Rate Alert for you. CouponaMama may then claim you can find out how much you can save on  monthly mortgage payments with a low-interest rate. Though the links in the email have not been reported to initiate the installment of malware, Coupona Mama uses unethical marketing practices and entraps people to use their deals and coupons, in order to generate a revenue stream from third-parties.

    CouponMama email Spam

    Please note, there are thousands of good and bad companies and websites using the “Coupon Mama” persona. Most of them are legitimate and do not participate in unethical practices alike CouponaMama.

    Problems unsubscribing from CouponaMama

    Some readers and users around the internet have reported issues when attempting to unsubscribe from CouponaMama. Readers claim though they have used the instructions provided by CouponaMama in the email (, CouponaMama continues to spam their inbox.

    How to unsubscribe from CouponaMama emails (Gmail)

    If you are using Google Gmail services, you can simply mark the CouponaMama email as spam and Google will give you the option to Unsubscribe from CouponaMama (called Google Unsubscribing made easy).

    • Check one or more spam conversations in your Inbox or other conversation list.
    • Touch Menu > Report spam.
    • (OR) While reading a conversation’s messages, touch Menu > Report spam.

    Unsubscribe from CouponMama spam email

    “In addition to marking this message as spam, Gmail can attempt to automatically unsubscribe you from CouponaMama, by sending an unsubscribe request on your behalf.”

    If the message is already in your spam folder, place the CouponaMama spam email in your inbox and use the direction above.

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