Creating A New User Account Using Safe Mode with Command Prompt

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  • #21507 Reply
    Sean Doyle

    The process below is an additional and simple solution to remove ransomware related to the FBI virus.

    1. Reboot your PC. As the system is booting, tap the F8 key to access the correct menu. Using the keyboard navigate to the Safe Mode with Command Prompt option and press Enter.

    Safe mode with command prompt

    2. In command line type in Explorer and press Enter (Please note, in some cases you only have 3 seconds to type explorer or you may have to attempt this several times).

    3. Navigate to Control Panel > User Accounts (User Accounts and Family Safety > Add or remove user accounts > Create a new account) > Manage Accounts > Create new a account.

    4. Give the new user administrator rights.

    5. Reboot the PC and login as the new user.

    6. Download, Install, Update and Run a full system scan using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Perform full scan).

    Malwarebytes Perform Full Scan

    7. Another suggesting after using Malwarebytes is to download and Install Avast! Antivirus.

    8. In Avast, schedule a boot scan and reboot your computer system.

    9. Let Avast boot scan “Move all to chest” when prompted and wait for the scan to complete.

    10. Your computer should be clean. If you have any issues with this method please feel free to reply to this topic or leave a comment here.

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