Web Design

mobile-friendly image size

How to make mobile-friendly images using CSS

How your images appear on mobile devices such as Androids and iphones is very important these days. On April 21, 2015 Google released a new updated algorithm that affects mobile searches in all languages worldwide and has a significant impact on Google Search results. If the images on your website are not mobile-friendly then you will lose rank on Google Search results. This means that if your images bleed through or expand the width of your webpage and your visitors need to scroll to the side you will be affected by the algorithm change.

wordpress logo

How to generate website screenshots for WordPress websites

This guide will help you easily generate a screenshot of a website for your WordPress website by implementing PHP code into the functions.php template file and using a WordPress shortcode. This script uses the WordPress.com screenshot generator and all you need to do is copy and paste simple code into your functions.php file and place a simple shortcode on a page or post on your WordPress website.

wordpress logo

How to fix This webpage has a redirect loop error on WordPress

A friend of mine recently came upon an issue on her WordPress website. Suddenly she couldn’t visit any of the pages on her website that use the default template for her WordPress theme. Whenever she visited specific webpages on her site the internet browser which she used would fail to retrieve the page. Google Chrome would show a message that says “This webpage has a redirect loop” when attempting to access the webpages.


How to add iframe busters to your website’s server (List of all iframe buster files)

Iframe busters or stub files are commonly utilized by third-party vendors in conjunction with Flash creatives such as media rich advertisements that are served within an ad slot implemented in an iframe. You may have noticed visitors to your website visit a page on your website that does not exist ending in /eyeblaster/addineyev2.html, /doubleclick/DARTIframe.html, /atlas/atlas_rm.htm, and many others. These pages often results in a 404 error.


If this is the case, you may need to upload an “iframe buster” into the root of your website’s server at the following location: www.example.com/vendorname. Iframe busters or stub files are provided by 3rd-party ad servers and media creative vendors.

Infinte Scroll Jetpack

How to remove Infinite Scroll credits on Jetpack

Remove “Proudly powered by WordPress” and your theme name credits in the Infinite Scroll Jetpack Plugin feature. Locate the jetpack/modules/infinite-scroll/infinity.php file and remove footer credits.
Infinite scroll takes away the “next page” or “older posts” links in category and tag page feeds allowing website visitors to infinitely scroll and load new posts via scrolling down the page.

Apple Touch Icon

How To Setup An Apple Touch Icon For Your Website And Individual Webpages

The correct way to setup Apple Touch Icons for websites and individual webpages using image titles and link elements. Apple uses Apple Touch Icons on their iOS to represent websites (similar to a favicon). Apple Touch Icons are used with iPads, iPhones, Safari, and in general Mac iOS. Setting up an Apple Touch Icon for your website will over-all “boost” the visual optimization of your website for iOS users, which can be very flattering.

Remove Website URL Option In WordPress Comments

How To Remove The Website URL Option From WordPress Comments

In some cases the “website” option in WordPress comments is not necessarily practical. Especially if you prefer for no one to leave third party URLs which can potentially harm your WordPress website. Luckily there’s a simple PHP snippet that will remove the website URL field from WordPress comments.