How to remove BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll file (Virus Removal Guide)
BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll is a DLL file associated with Bouncy Castle. The file is safe and legitimate; However, malware may utilize Bouncy Castle services and drop the BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll file on a computer.
The malicious BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll file is usually located in randomly named folders in the primary hard drive (C:>Windows>[Folder]). other files are also known to be present alongside BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll including various application files, Helper.dll, StreamExtended.dll, and rootCert.pfx.
Associated Files:
- BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
- Helper.dll
- rootCert.pfx
- StreamExtended.dll
It’s safe to delete the malicious BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll file from your computer but simply removing the file will not get rid of the malware. Luckily, we have provided you with steps to remove the BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll virus associated with the BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll file and all forms of malware from your computer or other devices.
How to remove BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll (Virus Removal Guide)
This comprehensive removal guide provides you with easy steps to completely remove BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll, viruses, malware, PUPS, spyware, and all malicious files from your computer. Follow each step to ensure that your computer or device is secure and your data remains private.
Step 1: Remove BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll with Malwarebytes
Malwarebytes will remove BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll, known malware, and PUPs from your computer.
Why should you buy the premium version?
Malwarebytes Premium has real-time protection that automatically protects your computer and other devices from viruses, spyware, and malware. With Malwarebytes Premium you can stay ahead and safely browse the web with confidence.
2. Double click the executable file or icon, such as mb3-setup-1878.1878- to begin installing the program.
3. When you have installed Malwarebytes, click the Scan Now button to begin scanning your computer.
4. When the scan is complete, click the Quarantine Selected button to remove all threats detected by Malwarebytes.
Step 2: Remove remaining files with HitmanPro
HitmanPro will remove remaining trace files, malware, tracking files, and repair settings.
1. Download HitmanPro. Fill out the information on their website and download the executable file.
Why should you buy the full version?
HitmanPro is a little different than your usual security program. It goes beyond simply removing viruses, it completely eradicates all traces and remnants of the infection. HitmanPro is also designed to run alongside your Antivirus program which makes it a match up great with Malwarebytes Premium.
2. Double click the executable file or icon, such as HitmanPro.exe to begin installing the program.
3. When you have installed HitmanPro, click the Next button to begin scanning your computer.
4. When the scan is complete, click the Next button to remove all threats detected by HitmanPro.
Step 3: Fix browser and system settings with CCleaner
Use CCleaner to get rid of junk files and temporary files that can remain on your system, maintain browser settings that may have been modified by malware, and update software (if needed) in order to keep your computer up to date with the latest security patches.
Why should you buy the professional version?
CCleaner Professional has the power of real-time automation, so your computer always stays clean, safe, and fast. CCleaner Pro bundles privacy protection, system cleaning, and more with outstanding customer service.
2. Double click the executable file or icon, such as ccsetup556.exe to begin installing the program.
3. When you have installed CCleaner, click the Analyze button to begin analyzing your system.
4. Once analyzation is complete, click the Run Cleaner button to clean your system.
5. Now, let’s run through the Tools section; Go to Tools.
6. Uninstall: Is there a program you missed uninstalling before? CCleaner can often show you programs that are hidden from the Control panel.
7. Software Updater: Are there any programs to update? Make sure to keep the programs on your computer up-to-date to avoid issues with security vulnerabilities.
8. Startup: Go through the Windows, Scheduled Tasks, and Context Menu tabs. Are there any suspicious startup keys enabled? If so, highlight them with your mouse and click the Delete button to remove them.
9. Browser Plugins: Go through the tabs for each browser installed on your computer. Are there any suspicious plugins installed? If so, highlight them with your mouse and click the Delete button to remove them.
10. Finally, let’s clean up the registry. Get out of the Tools area and go to Registry.
11. Click the Scan for Issues button and follow the instructions.
12. Once the registry scan is complete click the Fix selected Issues… button and follow the instructions to fill all the selected issues found in your computer’s registry.
Step 4: Uninstall BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll from Windows
Uninstall BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll from Windows once you have removed malware from your PC. Please note that simply uninstalling the program from the Control Panel will not remove all traces of malware from your computer.
1. Right-click the Start menu.
2. Click to Apps and Features.
3. Find BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll and click the Uninstall button.