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2018 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Facebook

2018 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 Facebook Scam

2018 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Facebook

A fake Toyota-affiliated Facebook page currently named 2018 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 has been used in various Facebook like-farming and survey-type scams. The page publishes posts that circulate across Facebook claiming that they are giving away free 2018 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 trucks and other prizes to people who follow the instructions.

The instructions insist that you visit a website to validate your entry. The website you visit will usually ask you a few questions before it instructs you to share the page on Facebook, comment on the post, and then claim your prize. However, when you try to claim the prize you will be forwarded to a survey-scam site designed to gather the information you input.

To make things perfectly clear, you will not obtain a reward for completing instructions due to the fact that 2018 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 is the current name (it may change) to a fake Toyota-affiliated Facebook page. This page publishes deceptive posts claiming that you can win a 2018 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 truck and other prizes if you follow their instructions.

Facebook scams like these are very common and they probably won’t go away anytime soon since many people fall for them. Scammers who operate these types of scams usually have multiple Facebook pages and accounts that they use at the same time. Their other pages may claim to be other companies from around the world.

The primary objective of this scam is to trick you into submitting your personal information such as your full name, email address, and home address to dodgy websites. The information you submit to the sites may be sold and shared with various parties, including questionable marketing agencies who may barrage you with unwanted phone calls, email messages, text messages, and physical letters in your mailbox at home.

Although the primary objective of the scam is to basically phish your personal information, extorting currency from a victim is not out of reach. Advanced-fee-fraud is a crime closely associated with Facebook scams like this.

If you followed the instructions on the Facebook posts, liked the page, commented on the post, and whatever else you needed to do, you may become a target. The scammers are aware that they may be able to scam you again since you fell for their scam in the first place. In this scenario, the scammers may send you a message over Facebook that says you won a prize; However, in order for you to obtain the prize, you will need to send an advance payment to cover the shipping fees (or whatever fake reason the scammers come up with). If an advanced fee is paid, it will not be returned and no prize will be rewarded.

Example of post:

Celebrating our 50th anniverysary this upcoming summer we have deided to select someone randomly who Share by 10PM to get brand new 2018 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 After Visit [Link Removed] to Validate Your Entry.

Sean Moran

Sean Moran is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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