18B3au9ye5YKbck9b27x3apqSSxgo49tx1 Bitcoin Scam


One of the latest sextortion email scam messages claims to be a security warning from a hacker who “has full control of your device” and recorded you through your device’s camera while you were watching what is assumed to be an intimate video. The message ‘appears’ to be sent from the recipients own account and is unusually worded and utilizes numbers and punctuation marks to bypass spam filters.

The purpose of the email message is to scare victims into sending the alleged hacker a requested amount of Bitcoin to a specific BTC address such as 18B3au9ye5YKbck9b27x3apqSSxgo49tx1. Scammers typically utilize cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin because they provide anonymity and help scammers maintain anonymous exchanges to avoid getting caught.

The email message instructs recipients to make a payment within 27 hours or risk having videos sent to relatives and coworkers. The email says that the video will be destroyed once a payment is received.

Here’s a transcript of the email message:

Subject Security Warning: messageG2pS0aM8bA3l-U1qY3pQ8u
From: (Your email address)
To: (Your email address)

/I sent you an email fr0m Y0UR acc0unt/
+I have full c0ntr0l y0ur device-

&While y0u were watching vide0s\
/y0ur internet br0wser which gave me accessibility t0 y0ur screen and cam*
\I created a d0uble-screen vide0!
!1st part sh0ws the vide0 that y0u’re viewing, and 2nd part sh0ws the rec0rding 0f y0ur cam^
%I backuped All ph0t0, vide0 and c0ntacts#

*Yes, Yes, shit happens%

=exactly what sh0uld y0u d0*
+Well, in my 0pini0n$715$ is a fair price f0r 0ur little secret%
-Y0u’ll make the payment by Bitcoin&
_if y0u d0 n0t kn0w this, search “h0w buy bitcoin w0rldwide” in G00gle%

\my BTC Address&


+It is cAsE sensitive, s0 c0py and paste it=

#Y0u have 27 h0ur in 0rder t0 make the payment-
@I’ve a unique pixel in this e mail, and at this m0ment I kn0w that y0u have read thr0ugh this email message&
-If I d0 n0t get the _Bitcoin)
&I will certainly send 0ut y0ur vide0 rec0rding t0 all 0f y0ur c0ntacts including relatives, c0w0rkers, and s0 0n)
=Having said that, if I receive the payment, I’ll destr0y the vide0 immidiately/

(If y0u need pr00f, reply with pr00fD1rL8zR9q in subject
=0r send directly t0 PaypalF8xY2nP3rZ0lJ1c@budgerigar4.club


As you can see, the email message appears to be sent from your own account which would suggest that someone else has access to it, but that’s not the case. An email spoofing service was used to make it appear this way. Anyone can use an email spoofing service, many of them are free so spoofing should not be a concern for anyone after 2019.

Sean Doyle

Sean is a distinguished tech author and entrepreneur with over 20 years of extensive experience in cybersecurity, privacy, malware, Google Analytics, online marketing, and various other tech domains. His expertise and contributions to the industry have been recognized in numerous esteemed publications. Sean is widely acclaimed for his sharp intellect and innovative insights, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the tech community. His work not only advances the field but also helps businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the digital world.

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